Thursday, March 24, 2011

Interview at Micole's Blog!

I've been interviewed by my wonderful friend, Micole who came up with different questions and hopefully I came up with different information. So it's not the same old, same old. So stop by Micole Writes Romance and see what I have to say about Crescent Moon Press, submissions and a contest that Micole and I came up with for three lucky authors. :D

I will also be leaving for LA at the end of the month to go the RT Convention where I will be speaking on an editor's panel with the wonderful Judi McCoy, a multi-published author, of course at least once with CMP, and the new COO of CMP. I will also be hosting a publisher's spotlight for CMP on the 6th as well as taking author pitches. Woot woot!! It's going to a blast!  

So that said, I'd better get back to work and get some more editing and reading done!! Then maybe some writing! :D

Wherever you and are and whatever you're doing...may the muse find you! Keep writing!


Donna O'Brien, Acquisitions Editor

Donna O'Brien, Author

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Interview at Castles and Guns is up!!

My interview at Castles and Guns went really well. I was actually done with it a couple of weeks ago...LOL CMP Author  Kinley Baker  was great and sent me some really good questions. I hope I gave good answers.

The only thing I could have elaborated on was when she asked about the perfect submission. I said, I wanted something I hadn't seen before. While that's true, I had also already talked about what I like as far as genres go, but I want from a submission what I get from a great book. You know when you find a new author you love to read? You pick up that first book from them and you start reading and there are almost goosebumps, you can't hardly put the book down, your family calls your name -- you don't hear them. A small fire could break out and you wouldn't even notice... it's almost torture until the next book comes out. 

THAT would be my perfect submission.

So head on over and check out the rest of  my interview!!!



Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy....

Wow....sooooo much going on right now! In a good way though. :)  I'll put on my Editor hat first:
Crescent Moon Press released not one but two titles today!! Woot, woot!! Traci Bell's Entangled and Lara Nance's Memories of Murder!! Congratulations and Happy Release Day Ladies. You can click on either of the links and they will take you straight to Amazon!

Secondly, Editor's hat still in place, I will be interviewed by Crescent Moon Press Author, Kinley Baker at Blog Castles and Guns on Wednesday March 9th. She's grilling me on what I'm looking to acquire and how to submit!! Way cool. Stop by and leave a comment!

AND, still wearing my Editor's hat though (I rather like it *grin*), I have teamed up with Micole Black of Micole Writes Romance to offer a contest!!! I like to twist things so this isn't just a first line or a first paragraph contest, it's a First AND Last line contest. Yes, the first line of the manuscript and your last line. There will be a prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The winner gets to submit a full to me and 2nd and 3rd get to submit a synopsis and their first three chapters!!  Winners will be announced on March 24th --- so exciting!!!

Finally, I have started the edits on my first acquisition for Crescent Moon Press, I can't give away everything yet, but I'll just say it's going to be a great book!!!

Okay, now my writer's hat, finished doing the sprints and added about 20K words to my own MS  last week. Not too bad, given all the new changes and arranging going on!!

Until next time, keep writing and may the muse bless you with tons of muchness!!


Donna O'Brien, Acquisitions Editor

Donna O'Brien, Author

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